been a fatal road accident today, when the left front tire of his car
blew out. He escaped unhurt and took to instagram today to share his
experience and pictures.
The Lazio of Italy player married his fiancee traditionally on
thursday June 16, in Benin and was driving back to Lagos in time for
his white wedding coming up on saturday 18th June when the incident
happened(I wonder why he didn't just fly to Lagos).
Anyway, his heartthrob Sandra Ogunsuyi will have to thank God
specially for not turning her to a widow on the eve of her church
wedding. And as for Onazi who complained bitterly on instagram over
poor Nigerian roads,(you think you are in Italy?) should
have atleast checked you tires nau despite your busy schedule. I doubt
if there were nails on the road! And you should thank God because
that kind of blowout would have easily sumersaulted your car into a